Q: I'm adding new jobs to homes that have already been weatherized. But I'm getting a validation error message saying: "The address of the dwelling could not be validated and normalized by Smarty Streets. This may cause a rejected record when the job data is transferred to eCore..." How can I fix this?

A: This is less of an error message and more of an informational message. CSD is now using Smarty Streets to verify and normalize addresses submitted to their new eCore system. ServTraq now has Smarty Streets "verification" on the Dwelling Record. You can also look up the address yourself using this URL: https://smartystreets.com/products/single-address

If Smarty Streets cannot find the address, the job will ultimately be rejected. 

You have two options on how to proceed:

1. Contact the CSD Help Desk and have them add the valid address to their "bypass" list.


2. Process and submit the job as normal. If and when the job is rejected, you can take the issue to CSD then. 

Ticket #5921