Issue: An application is getting rejected for the following reason: "CERTIFICATION AND/OR CREATED ON DATE IS NOT WITHIN PERFORMANCE DATES OF THE CONTRACT." You extended the contract end date in ServTraq, but it is not fixing the rejection. 

Solution: The "performance dates" refer to the allowable time frame that applications (and other work) can be processed (and performed) for a specific contract. For example, the performance dates for a 2023 LIHEAP contract would be 11/1/2022 to 7/31/2024. 

1) Check CORE to verify the performance dates of the contract in question.

2) Is the "Certification" and/or "Created On" date of the application within the performance date?

  • If yes, Contact CSD and ask them to correct the rejection. 
  • If nocontact CSD to request an contract end date extension.