Q: I got an email from CSD that our report did not reconcile. They asked that we change the data status from Re-Weatherization to PPA. Is this something you can do on your end? 

A: If you need to submit the report as a PPA, follow the steps below. However, a PPA is a job which was already reported in a prior reporting period and then edited which requires an EARS report edit on order for the totals in the Bucket and in EARS to reconcile. 

  • Unreport whichever jobs need to be adjusted in ServTraq
  • Make your edits to those jobs
  • Re-report them in the same period as they were originally reported in
  • Go to the CSD Bucket Prior Period Adjustments screen in ServTraq - under Weatherization > CSD Bucket Reporting
  • Select whichever jobs you adjusted
  • Click the WX Data Transfer button

Ticket #3242